Central Government
Market Research

DJS Research delivers rigorous and impactful research extensively within Central Government and the wider public sector, with specialists dedicated to a variety of sectors including transport and infrastructure, health, environment, sustainability and energy, security, education and skills, crime, justice and policing, and regulation. The insights we provide from our research have directly contributed to the development and evaluation of public policy, meaning our clients can make more informed decisions based on robust data and evidence.
Our research capabilities and methods are wide ranging, using techniques such as behavioural science, evaluation and economic analysis, qualitative analysis (such as ethnography), longitudinal methods, and (online/offline) panels and communities.
Just a few of our recent Government clients include:
Please see the project overviews below for more detail about our work:
Project overview: Public Health Wales ‘Time to Talk Public Health’ panel
Time to Talk Public Health is a national conversation established by Public Health Wales and DJS Research in late 2022 that regularly engages with the public on a variety of current public health topics. A panel of 2,500 residents was initially recruited in late 2022 to be representative of the Welsh adult population by age, sex, deprivation, ethnicity and health board. Panel members share their experiences and views every two-three months through a variety of methods, including online, telephone and face-to-face. The results help shape public health policy and decision making and contribute to improving health and wellbeing across Wales.
Project overview: Network Rail – Rail Safety Study
Previously conducted research identified specific audiences amongst the general public who are more likely to be ‘risk takers’ when it comes to rail safety, and while campaign messaging successfully reached this target audience, the campaign’s impact on driving behaviour change was inconclusive. Further in-depth research was required to better understand these audience segments. WE combined semiotics, an online qualitative community and a 10-minute quantitative survey with behaviour change models to frame our design and thinking: ABC (Antecedents, Behaviour, Consequences) Model and STEAM (Social, Timely, Easy, Attractive, Messenger). The recommendations presented Network Rail with clear guidance on interventions that would be most likely to affect desirable behaviour change.
Project overview : Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) Communications Research
DHSC commissioned DJS Research to conduct a large-scale project examining communications channels between the department and the broad spectrum of healthcare professionals. The research was designed to understand how best DHSC could optimise communications to its audiences, using the right message at the right time. More than 300 GPs, including partners and sessionals, and over 400 nurses working in adult nursing, mental health and GP practices were engaged as part of the research.
Project overview: Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Campaign Tracking
DWP commissioned a project to track their benefits fraud communications campaign. The aim of the campaign was to raise awareness and knowledge of the types of changes a claimant should report, to influence attitudes towards reporting and to influence behaviour change. The project was conducted over two waves (pre- and post-campaign) with around 2,200 respondents per wave. Our analysis indicated the successes and failures of the campaign by target audience through robust analysis and statistical testing.
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