Welcome to Time to Talk Public Health

Time to Talk Public Health is a nationally representative group of around 2,500 people from across Wales who support the work of Public Health Wales. By sharing their attitudes and opinions on a range of public health topics every three months, they help to shape public health policy and practice and contribute to improving health and well-being across Wales.

We need YOU!

We are looking for people living in Wales aged 16 years and over to join Time to Talk Public Health!

To ensure the information collected by Time to Talk Public Health reflects the people of Wales, we need a diverse range of people from all areas of Wales to take part.

JOIN TODAY! See if you match the groups we are looking for at this time.

Why should I take part?

Follow Public Health Wales to find out more information to improve your health and well-being.
Contact us on TalkPHWales@djsresearch.com