Kathryn Hadfield
Senior Data Executive
Operations Team
In mid 2011, Kathryn accepted a role in the data services unit at DJS Research, initially to work particularly with NEBU. She was offered a full-time contract in late 2011, and started training to work with advanced data analysis programs and to be able to produce data tables. Kathryn has since progressed to Senior Data Services Executive.
Kathryn was educated at New Mills Business and Enterprise College, and later Stockport College where she achieved 3 NCFEs. Following this she moved directly to DJS Research Ltd, starting out as an interviewer in the CATI unit and progressing on to roles in data input, transcription and various administrative duties.
Kathryn expects to progress further into the data services area of the business and enjoys being able to use and develop her skills, having always had a keen interest in anything IT related.