Climate Change & the Environment Market Research

DJS Research has a wealth of experience conducting quantitative and qualitative projects exploring the topics of climate change, the environment, net zero targets and carbon reduction plans, wildlife and biodiversity, and nature connectedness. Our projects are wide ranging, with examples such as:
The Centre for Climate and Social Transformations (CAST – University of Cardiff): For four years, DJS Research managed an annual survey on behalf of CAST to explore climate change attitudes and behaviours of adults living in the UK, China, Brazil and Sweden. The survey was conducted among 1,000 people per country per year.
Woodland Trust: In 2021, DJS Research managed the Trust’s Public Attitudes and Supporter Survey, which included a nationally representative online survey of 5,000 adults across the UK. The survey explored people’s connection to nature, wildlife, biodiversity and the outdoors, as well as their attitudes towards pro-environmental behaviours and climate change. This piece of work followed on from an online survey conducted among 3,500 UK adults to identify ‘Green’ personas (segments) within their wider audience segmentation.
Woodland Trust: ‘Green’ persona segmentation (video)
Severn Trent Water: Qualitative research (online community, focus groups and depth interviews) among household and non-household customers to explore reactions to the organisation’s net zero proposals.
Energy Saving Trust: An audience segmentation exploring the public’s energy saving attitudes and behaviours.
Electricity North West: Exploring the attitudes of SME businesses towards Net Zero targets.
United Utilities: Quantitative and qualitative research investigating the relationship between climate change and water and waste water services for the organisation’s climate change adaptation plan.
Natural History Museum and UNLive: The Global Climate, Health and Cultural Interventions for 18-24s, with surveys conducted in Brazil, China, England, India and Nigeria.
Environment Agency: DJS Research has conducted multiple waves of the annual public perceptions to flooding study for the Environment Agency. This involved telephone and face-to-face interviews with residents living in ‘at risk’ flood areas.
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