Market Research Reports - Our Published Market Research

our published market research reports

We have conducted a vast array of market research projects for clients across the private, public and not for profit sector and links to published reports, which are out in the public domain. can be found below:

December 2024: Testing the Waters 2024 (CCW)

May 2024: Water Matters 2024 (CCW)

April 2024: Clinician of the Future 2023 Education Edition - Elevating global voices in healthcare (Elsevier)

April 2024: Bridging the gap: Understanding how to support people with long term health conditions to become more physically active full report and infographic summary (We Are Undefeatable's 'Big Talk' public consultation, Age UK)

March 2024: West Yorkshire Bus Reform - Report on Franchising Decision (WYCA)

December 2023: How retailers can support customers shift their behaviour towards reuse and refill and away from packaged goods (research findings, video presented at the MRS sustainability summit)

November 2023: Generation EO: The Great Employee Ownership Succession Opportunity (DJS Research and Ownership at Work)

October 2023: Good Employee Ownership guide (Ownership at Work)

August 2023: IBA Evaluation report (Drinkaware)

July 2023: Customer views on the Guaranteed Standards Scheme (CCW)

June 2023: Behavioural Insights commissioned workshops with Stakeholders. Subject: Dogs and livestock worrying (Natural Resources Wales)

June 2023: Overlooked & underserved: pregnant & postnatal women’s engagement, opportunities & resources for physical activity during COVID-19 lockdowns in the United Kingdom (Active Pregnancy Foundation)

May 2023: Water Matters 2022 (CCW)

April 2023: Use of the internet and digital technology to manage health in Wales: past, current, and future preferences (Public Health Wales)

April 2023: Inclusive Cultures in Engineering (Royal Academy of Engineering)

January 2023: Testing the Waters 2022: highlights report (CCW)

December 2022: PlayStation Gamer Research (CMA)

November 2022: Worry about climate change, COVID-19 and the cost of living infographic (Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations)

November 2022: Multi-country study examining the impact of marketing of breast-milk substitutes on infant feeding decisions and practices: commissioned report (M&C Saatchi World Services)

June 2022: Water Matters: Household customers’ views on their water and sewage services 2021 (CCW)

June 2022: The Youth Social Action Survey infographic (Canal & River Trust)

June 2022: Paediatric Palliative Care Needs Assessment in North East London (Haven House Children's Hospice)

February 2022: Digital Self Service in the Public Sector 2022 - COVID 19 and the future of DSS (GOSS Interactive)

January 2022: Digital Self Service in the Public Sector 2022 - Performance and Perceptions of DSS ( GOSS Interactive)

January 2022: Digital Self Service in the Public Sector 2022 - Approach to DSS (GOSS Interactive)

November 2021: Public perceptions of climate change and policy action in the UK, China, Sweden and Brazil (Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations)

July 2021: Testing the Waters 2020/2021 (CCW)

June 2021: Water Matters 2020 Highlights Report (CCW)

May 2021: Low income households' experience of water bill affordability and support (CCW)

April 2021: Derian House Needs Assessment (Derian House Children’s Hospice)

March 2021: Council Tax Precept Survey 2021/22 (Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service)

February 2021: Enterprise MACHified Baseline report (MACH Alliance)

December 2020: Race for inclusion: the experiences of Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic solicitors (The Law Society)

November 2020: GDC stakeholder perceptions research (GDC)

November 2020: Unit4 Study Reveals Organizations are Accelerating Digital Strategies for People-Led Transformation (Unit4)

August 2020: Water Matters: Household customer views on their water and sewage services 2019 (CCW)

August 2020: Water Matters: Household customer views on their water and sewage services 2019 infographic (CCW)

July 2020: Research into investors' likelihood to invest in the markets since Covid-19 (Calastone)

June 2020: Great Expectations: UK Retailers’ Big Bet on AI to Drive Transformation (Wirehive)

May 2020: Roadmaps & Roadblocks: AI Adoption in UK Financial Services Organisations (Wirehive)

February 2020: Young people’s mental health & wellbeing research video (Healthwatch)

February 2020: Young people’s mental health & wellbeing research (Healthwatch)

December 2019: 2019 Customer Satisfaction Survey Research Report (ElectraLink)

December 2019: Children and young people’s financial capability: four to six year olds (Money & Pensions Service)

December 2019: Ready player one... public perceptions of virtual leisure time (DJS Research Ltd)

October 2019: Mental health & wellbeing in the medical profession infographic (BMA)

October 2019: Mental health & wellbeing in the medical profession (BMA)

August 2019: Key insights from the 2019 Consultant Survey infographic (SmartestEnergy)

June 2019: Residents Survey 2019 (London Borough of Merton)

February 2019: Petrol Filling Stations: Sainsbury's / Asda Merger (Competition and Markets Authority)

November 2018: Annual Student Survey infographic (Pearson)

November 2018: Bench To Bedside: Building A Collaborative Medical Research Environment In Wales (Cancer Research UK)

August 2018: Water Matters: Household customer views on their water and sewage services 2017 (Consumer Council for Water)

August 2018: Overcoming the Barriers to Diagnosis of Viral Hepatitis (World Hepatitis Alliance)

July 2018: Early consumer experiences of smart meters (Citizens Advice)

June 2018: Public consultation on proposed changes to urgent stroke services (Kent and Medway Sustainability and Transformation Partnership)

May 2018: Ofsted's inspection of schools (National Audit Office)

April 2018: Social Care Must Get Fair Share (NHS Confederation)

April 2018: Improving The Match Day Experience for Disabled Fans (Leicester City FC)

March 2018: What Makes A Classic Car, Classic? (ERS Insurance/Transatlantic)

February 2018: Evaluation of Support for Early Career Researchers (NERC)

February 2018: Qualitative research into Ofgem’s Cheaper Market Offers (Ofgem)

February 2018: Qualitative research into Check Your Energy Deal Trial    (Ofgem)

January 2018: Air Passenger Experience Research (Knowledge Transfer Network)


October 2017: Listening Events: Report on Key Themes (Kent and Medway Sustainability and Transformation Partnership) 

October 2017: Retaining and Developing the Teaching Workforce (National Audit Office)

September 2017: Tesco Booker: convenience store retailer research (Competitions & Markets Authority)

September 2017: Making life easier for vulnerable customers... (MRS Utilities Conference 2017)

September 2017: 2030: The Future Utilities Manager (Inenco)

February 2017: Property in Retirement Research: Infographic (Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association)

November 2016: Delving into Water 2016: Performance of the water companies in England and Wales 2011-12 to 2015-16 (CCWater)

October 2016: Testing the Waters: Business  customers’  views  on  their  water and sewerage services 2016 (CCWater)

September 2016: Research into public perceptions of the image of the logistics industry (Freight Transport Association)

July 2016: Our Enlightened Future: The Journey to Smarter Cities (The Marketing Pod / Lucy Zodion)

July 2016: European Education Landscape: Structure, Technology & Attainment (RM Results)

June 2016: CCWater Water Matters 2015 (CCWater)

June 2016: How are teachers voting on the EU referendum (VoicED - pro bono)

May 2016: Boccia Participation Research (Boccia England)

May 2016: Interdisciplinarity: Survey Report for the Global Research Council (Global Research Council)

May 2016: Fertile ground: attitudes towards teaching food, farming & the natural environment (Countryside Classroom)

April 2016: Quality Survey (North East Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group)

March 2016: Healthwatch England: Greater Manchester Service Change Engagement (Healthwatch)

March 2016: Survey of Customers at Ladbrokes and Coral Betting Shops (Competitions & Markets Authority)

February 2016: Research into merger between Celesio and Sainsbury’s Pharmacy (Competitions & Markets Authority)

October 2015: Analysis of cases resulting in doctors being erased or suspended from the  medical register (General Medical Council)

September 2015: Joining the digital dots: A study of the technology challenges within state schools today (Firefly)

August 2015: CCWater Water Matters 2014 (CCWater)

August 2015: Children and parents market research illustrative report extract (Chatter Zone - pro bono)

August 2015: Co-creating the future of Primary Care (Healthwatch England)

July 2015: The ’Ambulance Burnout‘ Issue (The Larrey Society)

June 2015: Funding for disadvantaged pupils (National Audit Office)

June 2015: An Evaluation of “Archives for the 21st Century" (The National Archives)

December 2014: Data: The Energy Industry's Rotten Apple? (ENSEK)

November 2014: Research into non-household  customers’ views on water companies exiting the non-household retail market (CCWater)

September 2014: Pay As You Go Research (United Utilities)

July 2014: Reviewing Regulation of the Dental Specialties (General Dental Council)

July 2014: Testing the Waters: SME customers’ views on water & sewerage services (CCWater)

February 2013: Research Report Technology in Football (DJS Research – pro bono)

January 2013: Consumer Sentiment Towards Collective Switching (Consumer Focus)

August 2013: Reading Habits Survey (Booktrust)

April 2011: Health & Social Care Services Survey 2011 (Rutland Link)

2011: Ombudsman Services: Communications Sector Report 2011 (Ombudsman Services)

November 2010: Survey of Non-Registered Engineers (Engineering Council)

July 2010: Office of the Telecommunications Ombudsman: Customer Satisfaction (Ombudsman Services)

January 2010: Anglia Cancer Awareness Survey (Anglia Cancer Network)

January 2010: Alcohol Self-Help leaflet: Learnings for Commissioners (Department of Health)

August 2009: Evaluation of Education Programme: “Give And Let Live” (The Jeanette Crizzle Trust)

April 2009: In from the Cold: An assessment of the scope of ‘Orphan Works’ and its impact on the delivery of services to the public (Collections Trust)

July 2008: Evaluation of Education Programme: “Give And Let Live” (The Jeanette Crizzle Trust)

our published market research reports

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