Data Analysis in Market Research
Data Analysis in Market Research
The data analysis stage in a market research project is the stage when qualitative data, quantitative data or a mixture of both, is brought together and scrutinised in order to draw conclusions based on the data. These conclusions then provide the key insights for the research project and any associated reports or presentations.
The aim of data analysis in research is to discover useful information from a set of data, and conclusions that can be used to form insights. Large quantities of data must be summarised and presented in a way that clearly communicates the most important features and conclusions.
Data analysis in research projects that involves quantitative methods have similar techniques, including analysing the frequency of variables and the differences of variables. Statistical testing is often used during data analysis in research. These are carried out to estimate the significance of any conclusions the results may suggest and determine that they did not occur by chance.
Data analysis in research projects that include qualitative methods still require the results to be coded like in quantitative data analysis. This is in order to identity the similarities and differences between the responses. As systems for pre-coding qualitative data are limited, each project involves bespoke coding methods. This form of data analysis in research is known as content analysis.
DJS Research offers clients either full market research projects, or is able to conduct the data analysis of research projects where the information has already been gathered. DJS Research also provides the service of data analysis in research from a wide range of sectors - we have our own internal data processing and analysis units, as well as a team of coders and an array of statistical software.
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