DJS Research Ltd Achieves Highest Combined Score on Government Procurement Framework for Market Research
15th April 2014 12:22
DJS Research Ltd have outperformed numerous larger agencies to top the charts in the UK’s most wide-ranging market research procurement framework, managed by UK SBS on behalf of the Crown Commercial Service. The agency was one of only six organisations to be appointed to every available Lot – and the only one headquartered outside of London. From these organisations, DJS Research achieved the highest combined scores across the ten scoring Lots - totalling 836 from an available 1000 points – this is almost 7% higher than the closest competitor.
This quality was consistent across every available Lot, with DJS Research never scoring lower than 81.2% on an individual Lot and never placing lower than 4th spot. The consultancy also topped the tables for Research Support Services and Panels – backed by their knowledge and experience in managing the VoicED Education Community.
Speaking about the results of the Framework agreement, Danny Sims had the following comments:
“This assessment was open to every agency in the UK, and was a stringent and detailed examination of every aspect of their offering – including costing, quality assurance, methodological expertise, considerations about the future of market research, complaint handling etc. – carried out by an objective and well-resourced judge (UK SBS).
To have been successful on every single Lot of this procurement exercise – and to have achieved the highest combined score of any of the 500 agencies who applied – is a real accomplishment for us. I cannot stress enough the contribution that everyone at DJS Research makes towards our accomplishments, big and small, every day. We have a fantastic and committed team across every level of the business and this is only underlined by the successes we have had recently, including on this framework agreement.”
The available Lots were as follows:
- Lot 1 - Secondary Research
- Lot 2 - Strategic Planning and Development
- Lot 3 - Develop and Test Concepts for Communication Products and Services
- Lot 4 - Performance/Reputation Audit and Customer/Stakeholder Satisfaction
- Lot 5 - Communications Evaluation Research
- Lot 6 - Research Support Services
- Lot 7 - Panels
- Lot 8.1 - Specialist Audiences, Young People
- Lot 8.2 - Specialist Audiences, Language and Culture
- Lot 8.3 - Specialist Audiences, Hidden Populations
This is the latest in a string of high-profile framework wins which have seen DJS Research competing favourably with much larger organisations – including securing approved supplier status with The Electoral Commission and Meat Promotion Wales, as well as the Competition Commission in recent months.