DJS Research Ltd featured in government energy saving document

31st March 2015 13:23

We have recently been featured in a government document, entitled DJS Research Ltd featured in government energy saving documentSME energy efficiency guide!

The document was produced by the Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC), in partnership with ENWORKS.

The purpose of the guide is to educate and advise UK SMEs on how they can make inexpensive changes, in order to reduce their energy consumption and save money on their energy bills.

As an agency which regularly deals in the utilities and energy sector, we are acutely aware of the issues around energy use as well as the potential cost savings for small businesses.

For example, we had a timer switch installed to turn off our water coolers during the hours they’re not in use, a cost which was made back within 35 days of installation. This has resulted in a saving of £144 per year!

This energy-saving measure was featured in the SME energy efficiency guide as a case study to encourage other SMEs to consider making simple changes to reduce their energy consumption.

In 2014, we received a Green Growth energy efficiency review with the intention of reducing our impact on the environment and maintaining our reputation for being an ethical and responsible local business.

As a result of the review, we made several changes to reduce our energy consumption, such as investing in tablet computers to reduce DJS Research Ltd featured in government energy saving documentfield-based researchers’ paper usage and installing low power consumption computers within our CATI unit to reduce electricity usage.

We also trained our team on how to assist the company in its mission to reduce energy, and the agency has appointed an Environmental Champion, Callum McCulloch!

Speaking about the case study, Callum had the following to say:

“It’s always fantastic to be recognised and we’re very proud to have been included in such a useful publication, alongside so many other businesses who are looking to improve efficiency. Whilst many people will think there aren’t a huge amount of savings to be made in an office environment, it just goes to show that small changes can have a big impact – both on the environment and the bottom line.”

Following the changes, we scored full marks on the sustainability section of a public tender response for one of the UK’s most well-known government departments.

Our company was also shortlisted for the Innovation and Community Contribution category at the North West Green Hero Awards!

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