Market Research
Energy Market Research
Some of our utilities team have been conducting research in the energy sector since the late 1990s and have witnessed lots of change. We have worked extensively with household and non household customers of energy retailers, DNOs and gas distributors on a range of projects including:
Customer Satisfaction, Customer Experience and Journey Mapping
We have been conducting customer satisfaction tracking since our inception over 2 decades ago. We are experienced in tracking the perceptions of households and businesses, their expectations and gap analysis. What we really love doing, however, is uncovering what makes a WOW customer experience, applying learnings from other sectors and advising how companies can put customers at the heart of their service. To do this we have a range of research tools.
Customer Vulnerability and Affordability
We have extensive experience of engaging with customers with health and/or financial vulnerabilities, the digitally disengaged and those in rural areas. This experience transcends not only the water and energy sectors, but also other sectors including healthcare, where we have years of experience of speaking to patients and medical staff. This wider experience results in a richer, more rounded research project for our clients. Projects in this area have included exploring customer needs and experiences in the electricity and gas distribution space and awareness and performance priority services registers and the topic of fuel poverty.
Community Engagement
We are being asked more and more to conduct community engagement. We have conducted ethnographic, qualitative and quantitative studies in these areas and our research has helped target comms ranging from customer consultations, social media campaigns, door drops and working partnerships.
Net Zero
We have conducted extensive research with businesses into their attitudes of and progress towards net zero. We have also explored the public’s understanding of net zero, whose responsibility they believe it is and actions they have taken towards it. Our extensive experience in other sectors and especially the energy market, enables us to add value to our energy market research. Clients for whom DJS Research have recently carried out water market research projects have said:
“I have been delighted with the research. As you already know I was very impressed with the qualitative interviews and the debrief was also very good. The feedback I have received from others who attended was that they were impressed and found the findings useful and the debrief easy to understand and comprehensive. I was very pleased with the service that DJS offered as a whole and feel that they grasped the objectives of the project very well and understand the SME business well which enables them to get the best out of the respondents.”
Our researchers are experienced in qualitative research (traditional focus groups, online focus groups, deliberative research, in depth interviews, teledepths) and quantitative research (online, face to face, CATI) using a range of statistical methods (stated preference – Max Diff, Contingent Valuation, Conjoint), segmentation, TURF Analysis, Van Westendorp and regression and correlation).
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