Audiences of cultural venues are more concerned about the impacts of climate change than the general population, survey finds.

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19th December 2024 14:05 - Culture and Heritage

Audiences of cultural venues are more concerned about the impacts of climate change than the general population, survey finds: In a recent survey of audiences of cultural venues and organisations across the UK, 86% of visitors polled said they are worried about the impact of climate change, compared to 76%* of the general population, and believe that cultural organisations must be more proactive in influencing and encouraging meaningful action in the fight against climate change.

In September 2024, Indigo released the Act Green 2024 Benchmark report, building upon the insights gathered from their National Sector Survey, Act Green. The research involved collaboration with 112 UK-based cultural organisations and 17,450 individuals who had previously attended events held by these organisations. The goal was to understand what audiences expect from cultural organisations in addressing the climate emergency and how they are willing to participate.

Nearly three-quarters (72%) of respondents said that cultural organisations had a vital role in influencing public attitudes and behaviours relating to climate change and believe these institutions should lead by example and actively engage in raising awareness. Over half (59%) of respondents said that these organisations should be more transparent about their sustainability goals and successes and 68% believe they should offer information to help audiences adopt more sustainable practices. However, of those polled, only 16% felt cultural organisations placed enough emphasis on their role in actively addressing climate change and encouraging their audiences to do so.

Nearly all respondents (93%) reported they had made lifestyle changes in response to the climate emergency. Nearly two-thirds (59%) said they ate less meat and dairy,  nearly half (47%) said they were driving less frequently or had switched to electric vehicles, nearly two-fifths (38%) had stopped or cut down on flying for leisure and 36% had opted for a renewable energy provider.

The research findings highlight a strong commitment to tackling climate change among cultural audiences and their desire for cultural organisations to reflect and promote these same values.

Indigo CEO Katy Raines says: “Audiences want organisations to be proactively demonstrating a commitment to sustainability, communicating more effectively about what they are doing, and informing audiences about how they can help."

*All data sourced from the  Act Green 2024 Benchmark report © Indigo-Ltd 2024

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