Different Perspectives Panel
Market Research

Different Perspectives Panel Market Research

Different Perspectives is our in-house consumer panel of over 6,000 people who are facing vulnerable circumstances today. Through this highly engaged panel of individuals, each with varied vulnerabilities, we can provide our clients with a direct route to connect with audiences who are often hard to reach

At DJS Research we have multiple ways of recruiting and researching vulnerable audiences and our Different Perspectives panel is one option available to our clients. We understand the complexities of vulnerability and our panel covers a broad spectrum of personal and societal circumstances including, but not limited to: 

  • Economic Hardship: Poverty, unemployment, unmanageable debt or financial instability.
  • Health Issues: Chronic illnesses, disabilities, or mental health challenges.
  • Social Factors: Social isolation or lack of social support.  Discrimination based on race, gender, age, sexuality, or disability.  Family breakdown or domestic violence.
  • Educational Barriers: Low educational attainment or lack of access to quality education.  Limited literacy or numeracy skills.
  • Environmental Factors: Living in unsafe or unhealthy environments. Exposure to pollution or environmental hazards.

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Clients tend to have their own definition of ‘vulnerable circumstances’, but rarely would the people within these groups see themselves as being ‘vulnerable’; this focus on the importance of the individual underpins our Different Perspectives panel, which provides 360 degree insight from our valued and respected panellists.

Our flexible and agile in-house panels guarantee high quality respondents and through Different Perspectives we can:

  • Conduct quick polls
  • Administer online surveys

Additionally, we can recruit participants through Different Perspectives for:

  • Telephone surveys
  • Qualitative interviews or focus groups conducted via telephone, online, or face-to-face
  • Journaling of unique experiences
















Our diverse group of panellists are keen to help companies design their products and services. If you'd like to discuss how Different Perspectives could help your organisation better understand the needs of people in vulnerable circumstances, please contact our team at DifferentPerspectives@DJSResearch.com.

To receive a free infographic summary of headlines from a recent Different Perspectives survey, which explores awareness, uptake and trust in support from energy and water companies, please contact Ali Sims asims@djsresearch.com

Our panel is just one of our resources for researching and recruiting vulnerable and hard to reach groups. If you'd like to find out more, simply head to our Hard to Reach Groups page or you can view our detailed vulnerability case studies.

And if you'd like to know more about our in-house 'engine' - the 20,000 strong consumer panel which powers all of our sub-panels including Different Perspectives - check out Opinion Exchange.


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