Market Research
Our specialist retail team has significant research experience across all aspects of retail market research and shopper insight.
Our specialist retail team works with brand owners, retailers (including pureplay and mail order businesses) and retail associations (including retail parks and shopping centres). We respond to each client brief with a bespoke market research approach, tailored to our clients’ requirements and budget. Our clients’ retail and shopper research projects often sit under one of three strands:
Customer / Shopper experience |
Brand and communications |
Product and packaging |
U&A (Usage and attitude) research |
Brand strategy |
New product development |
Customer segmentation |
Brand/ad awareness tracking |
Pricing and value research |
Customer satisfaction |
Communications development and testing |
Packaging and labelling research |
In-store shopper research |
Value proposition development/testing |
Category management research |
Customer experience/ journey mapping |
Product testing |
Web usability |
Our tailored research design may encompass both qualitative and/or quantitative methodologies and draws from other specialisms as required; our retail market research and shopper insight toolkit includes:
• Accompanied shopping trips
• Ethnography/digital ethnography
• Eye-tracking
• Focus groups (in person, via video or online platform)
• In-store observation and intercepts
• Online communities
• Vox Pops
• Online surveys
• Face-to-face surveys
• Hall tests
• In-home user tests
• Telephone surveys
Other approaches/specialisms
• Semiotics
• Behaviour Change theory
With more than twenty years of experience in the sector, we have worked with clients in a whole host of retail sectors, with particular expertise in the following areas of retail market research:
• Convenience retail
• Discounters
• Electronics, technology and telecommunications
• Fashion & apparel
• Furniture & homewares
• Grocery multiples
• Off-trade
• Opticians
• Pureplay/e-commerceRecent retail market research clients that we have conducted projects for include:
Some of our recent articles include:
What happens to the items you put in your mixed recycling bin?
Millennials are the generation affected most significantly by the cost of living crisis
Reuse and Refill - all wrapped up
Check out our infographic for some more mince pie insights and why not float the “to pie or not to pie” debate amongst your friends and family this festive season – you may be surprised at what you hear!
View recent case studies
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