Survey finds Coca-Cola bottle is the most iconic packaging

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19th September 2016 11:28 - FMCG

Survey finds Coca-Cola bottle is the most iconic packaging: According to a recent study of 1,500 British people, which looked at how branding and packaging affected consumers’, revealed that one sixth of the respondents believed that Coca-Cola is the most recognisable packaging, and was just as identifiable without the logo or product in the bottle.Survey finds Coca-Cola  bottle is the most iconic packaging

Commissioned by events organiser, Easyfairs, the survey discovered that FMCG brands were featured heavily in the top 10 most recognisable packages, with the Toblerone’s triangular shape closely following the Coca-Cola bottle in second place.

It was also found that the Chanel No.5 bottle, the Tiffany Box and the Jo Malone box just missed the top 10 most identifiable packages.

In recent years, the Coca-Cola brand has notably changed its marketing strategy to include the younger demographics too. If Easyfair’s findings are anything to go by, it can be said that these changes have worked, with one fifth of millennials choosing the Coca-Cola bottle as the most recognisable packaging. Amongst the millennials, the Pringles tube was selected as their second most identifiable packaging.

The top 10 most recognisable packages are as follows:

1.    Coca-Cola bottle
2.    Toblerone triangle
3.    Marmite jar
4.    Pringles tube
5.    KFC bucket
6.    Heinz ketchup bottle
7.    Fairy liquid bottle
8.    Apple’s iPhone box
9.    Walkers crisp packet
10.  Amazon box

When the respondents were asked what the greatest packaging invention was for them, 25 per cent of the Brits said that barcodes were indeed the best invention. In second place with 21 per cent of votes was the cardboard box, followed by re-sealable zips with 20 per cent, and vacuum packs with 16 per cent.

However, those in the younger demographic (18 to 34) selected 3D printing and re-sealable zips as their top two.

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